New Digital Wallet Tezro Aims to Revolutionize Banking

New York, NY, August 28, 2023 – (SEAPRWire) – Tezro recently has announced the beta launch of its platform, which integrates payments, banking, and shopping within popular messaging apps. Using technologies such as chatbots, APIs, and digital escrow, Tezro aims to provide a seamless experience for completing financial transactions directly within the messaging environments people use […]

Mitrade Receives Three Finance Excellence Awards: A Round-Up of Top-Tier Accomplishments

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA, AUGUST 26, 2023 – (SEAPRWire) – leading trading broker Mitrade continues its impressive track record and has won several awards and made innovative improvements this year. Recognized with two prestigious awards from the Global Banking Finance Awards: one for the “The Next 100 Global Awards 2023 – Trading Platform” and another for “Forex […]

China Medical System Gained Exclusive License of an Anti-Ischemic Stroke Class 1 Innovative Drug

China Medical System Gained Exclusive License of an Anti-Ischemic Stroke Class 1 Innovative Drug

Y-3, a Class 1 Innovative Drug injection, is used to alleviate neurological symptoms and dysfunction of daily activities caused by acute ischemic stroke. The Product has a clear mechanism of action, which is conducive to exerting brain cytoprotection effects. Meanwhile, the Product has a rapid anti-depression and anti-anxiety function, and is expected to become the […]

Advanced Project Announces Upgrade to TIER Service with Facial Recognition AI Technology

Johannesburg, South Africa, August 24, 2023 – (SEAPRWire) – Today Advanced Project, owned by Advanced United Continent (AUC), announces the upgrade to tier service with facial recognition AI technology. Blockchain-based cross-border payment and remittance service for the unbanked by Advanced Project, has been attracting attention as an innovative financial service by introducing simple payment with […]

Equation Announces Its Pre-launch in September, ReDeFining Perpetual Trading with BRMM Model

Singapore, August 23, 2023 – (SEAPRWire) – Equation, a pioneering decentralized perpetual protocol, is set to revolutionize perpetual trading with its groundbreaking BRMM model and commitment to fairness through a complete Fairlaunch approach. Founded by experienced crypto trader 0xfermat, the project aims to redefine the trading experience by prioritizing user demands and delivering a seamless, […]



隨著電子商務行業迅猛發展,市場數據顯示,2022年全球電商銷售額首次躍過5萬億美元的大關,且預計2023年將繼續保持穩健增長,特別是在亞太和拉美這兩大新興經濟區域。在這種背景下,電商市場的激烈競爭和變化顯得尤為明顯。 光譜創新集團有限公司,作為對前沿技術和行業動態有著敏銳洞察的投資機構,已經對亞太地區的人工智能、電子商…

GobizTown Set to Showcase at ASD Market Week 2023

August 20-24, Las Vegas Convention Center: Introducing O2O Integrated Products and Hosting On-Site Events Soeul, Korea, August 14, 2023 – (SEAPRWire) – GobizTown, an online exhibition platform operated by Ministry of SMEs(MSS) and Startups and Korea SMEs and Startups Agency (KOSME) will participate in ASD Market Week 2023, held at the Las Vegas Convention Center […]