

隨著電子商務行業迅猛發展,市場數據顯示,2022年全球電商銷售額首次躍過5萬億美元的大關,且預計2023年將繼續保持穩健增長,特別是在亞太和拉美這兩大新興經濟區域。在這種背景下,電商市場的激烈競爭和變化顯得尤為明顯。 光譜創新集團有限公司,作為對前沿技術和行業動態有著敏銳洞察的投資機構,已經對亞太地區的人工智能、電子商…

GobizTown Set to Showcase at ASD Market Week 2023

August 20-24, Las Vegas Convention Center: Introducing O2O Integrated Products and Hosting On-Site Events Soeul, Korea, August 14, 2023 – (SEAPRWire) – GobizTown, an online exhibition platform operated by Ministry of SMEs(MSS) and Startups and Korea SMEs and Startups Agency (KOSME) will participate in ASD Market Week 2023, held at the Las Vegas Convention Center […]

BetFury Release iGaming PvP Feature – Bonus Combats

New York, NY, August 11, 2023 – (SEAPRWire) – The BetFury platform releases an epic feature – Bonus Combats. Now players worldwide can invite friends to compete against each other and create gaming battles on their terms. The main winner of each Combat gets all his opponents’ rewards and multiplies his crypto assets. Let’s briefly […]

Premier Diamond-Powered Web3 Ecosystem, KimberLite Announces IDO Launch Phase

New York, NY, August 11, 2023 – (SEAPRWire) – KimberLite, a first-of-its-kind diamond-powered web3 ecosystem designed to revolutionize the billion-dollar industry, has announced its IDO (Initial DEX Offering) launch phase. The project will partner with three of the top launchpads such as frontline protocol for users and developers, Gempad, full-range service platform, Gagarin, and IXIR […]

Shane Watson Named MainGroup FX Global Brand Ambassador

Shane Watson Named MainGroup FX Global Brand Ambassador

New York, NY, August 07, 2023 – (SEAPRWire) – Australian cricket legend Shane Watson has been named as a Global Brand Ambassador for leading trading platform MainGroup FX. The partnership sees Watson – first selected for Australia in 2002 – work with the group as it aims to expand its global marketing efforts. Brokered by […]